Hormones have been traditionally been linked with mood swings and the highly emotional nature of women. In recent times, people are familiar with terms like PMS or Pre-Menstrual Syndrome, knowing about how they affect the female body. But when it comes to female hormones, few have the knowledge to realize that they influence the skin.


Hormones start inducing their effect on the human body when a human being goes through puberty. Hormones are generally active during adolescence. Their sole function is to trigger biological reactions, as they travel from the different glands to the cells as chemical messengers. For instance, male hormones like androgen are responsible for the features that govern the male subject, like growth of facial and pubic hair, secretion from the sebum and the sweat glands and controlling of the functions of the kidney. As a result it seems evident that the hormones dominate the human bodily functions and need to be taken seriously.

Hormonal Acne:

What is hormonal acne? They are messengers, largely chemical in nature, triggering the oil secretion of the human body. This happens when the hormones are directed towards the skin after being released form their respective glands. As the secretion is increased, the pores of the skin get swollen and ultimately burst.

This is particularly to be noticed among women, during the menstrual cycle or after it. Distress creeps in and women generally resort to anti-acne creams. But this does not solve the problem. It is important to know what causes these breakouts and find the proper remedy to cure them form within.

Generally adult women are seen to suffer from worsening acne or adult onset acne. The standard remedy is to use antibiotics, Accutane or topical preparations. Various surveys have shown that almost 60 percent of these women show interest in common medication processes and do not show any response to the general ways of treating acne related problems.

Treating acne with hormones is very helpful. Due to professional stress among the women, it is noticed that the male hormonal levels increase and result in acne. Also there are several hormones in women which act like male hormones.

Stopping the intake of birth control pills also result in acne in some women. This is so because, the estrogen present in these pills, along with progesterone is supplied to the body. Oil starts to be secreted from the sebaceous glands as soon as the pill intake is stopped, resulting in acne.

Treatment of Hormonal Acne

In the case of women, the possible methods of treatment of acne is manifold. Generally topical antimicrobials like benzoyl peroxide and antibiotics, topical retinoids, anti-androgen medication and oral antibiotics for sever inflammation are prescribed.

Oral contraceptive pills are also helpful, since they induce estrogen, which fight androgen secretion. As a result, estrogen circulation is induced and acne inflammations are cured.

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