Do you want to me more likable especially to women? Do you feel your life is a little boring and you want to find new things in life to perk up your life? If you are looking for tips on how to be more interesting to other people and to women, here are some things you may want to do to get started.
* Socialize and make new friends. Aside from the existing friends you have, meet other people. Expand your network of friends. They may be some people new to the neighborhood, or a new officemate or the usual people you meet around on your jogging session that you never get to know more before. You can actually find new friends in the workplace, in church, in the neighborhood and in your favorite leisure spot.
* Go out and try new things. If your weekends are spent on your favorite TV show or movie at home, try to make a change. Instead, go out and try a new sport or adventure, or get involved in exciting and interesting activities. This will not only help you make new friends but will also help you make exciting and interesting conversations, which of course, one of the keys on how to be more interesting to women.
* Be a wide-reader. Aside from getting involved in new activities, it also helps a lot to be a wide-reader. Read about current events and read interesting books and popular ones. Aside from books about your interest, you can also try to read on topics that are new to you. Some people also have amazing skills of remembering what they read and are excellent in picking out the great conversations and facts of the book. When you share what you have read, most often, you will have an easier way to remember the good points of a book. Therefore, do not only read - share it.
* Learn the tricks of good storytelling. Of course, some of us may be really good in telling stories but some could also fail on this aspect. However, there are ways to improve and master the skill of how to communicate effectively. Oftentimes, we tend to equate an interesting person to how interesting he tells a story. Indeed, most people find good storytellers interesting, so learn their tricks.
* Be interested on other people. Indeed, one of the best ways on how to be more interesting is showing interest to others. It does not mean meddling on their personal affairs but you can show interest in them by taking time to say 'Hi,' share a story, give an honest compliment, or just listen to them if they want to share something. Ask questions. Most often, interesting conversations start with one simple question that shows a genuine interest to the other person. If you master the skill of being able to listen to others and give honest compliments, you will also find yourself more likeable to women.
How to be more interesting to other people and to women, if you are aiming to attract women, can be actually learned. Try to make some time to make something new once in a while and learn many things that you can share to everyone, and you will find yourself getting more and more interesting.
Carolyn Anderson is a freelance author who also loves self-help books. For tips and techniques to be irresistible and interesting to women, check out this resource on how to approach and attract beautiful women. Also check out The Jerk Women Love if you want to know what women want in a man and capture the interest of the woman you like.