No one can deny that body language plays a crucial role in catching girls' attention-and keeping it. Nearly *75%* of signals women send is through body language--so you're not going to find out if she's into you from words alone! Unfortunately, many men miss out on these signals, and thus miss out on the girl. The good news is, if you CAN read a girl's signals, you stand out from the rest of guys, and make yourself all the more attractive! With that said, here are 6 signs that she's not into you, and 10 signs that she is!
1. Not making eye contact with you—looking around, eyeing her friends, looking anywhere but at you
2. Legs crossed—always a bad sign. This means she's closing herself off to you
3. Arms crossed—This can convey annoyance and impatience. Definitely a bad sign.
4. Hands on her hips—This can also convey impatience. Not looking good.
5. Leaning backwards—It's much better when a woman is leaning towards you. If you notice her leaning away from you, keeping her distance, it means you've gotten too close for her comfort and she's not that into you, at least at this point.
6. A weak handshake—Do you shake a girl's hands when you meet her? If you do and notice that hers is weak and she is quick to take back her hand, then she's not very impressed.

1. She looks down when you see her and smiles-A very good sign. She's shy but wants you to come over to talk to her.
2. She's twirling her hair around-Definitely into you.
3. Licks her lips-unless you can tell she's screwing with you, this is a very good sign!
4. Open legs-Open legs, open mind. She's open to hearing more from you-and who knows what else.
5. Sideways glance-The classic Hollywood flirtation, this is a coy, seductive way of showing her interest
6. Fondling a cylindrical object (cigarette, glass, etc.)-VERY good sign! And a hint of what she may have in mind for later on in the evening…
7. Fondling her shoe (shoe is slight off her foot, twisting her foot in circles)-This is that classic shy signal that girls use to display interest.
8. The "leg twine"-one leg pressed hard against the other to give the appearance of high muscle tone-very good sign
9. The head toss-If she tosses her hair back over her shoulders, this is definitely a good gesture.
10. Exposed wrists-If she's interested in you, she will gradually display the smooth, soft skin of her wrists to a guy she's interested in. Wrists are actually considered one of the more erotic areas of the body-so if she's showing you this sexual area-go for it!

Hope these tips help you out. Remember, none of this will do you any good if you don't follow up on it! If a girl is showing interest, it's up to you to take the next step and show your attraction BACK to her. Tune in to my next article on what YOU as a man must do to successfully attract female attention, using flirtatious body language. Because it's your turn!
James Brito is the author of "How to Be Irresistible to Women." His years of dating experience and international travel have tutored him in the art of meeting and seducing women the world over. His immersion in international dating circles brings forth a gritty, no-nonsense approach to dating and developing relationships necessary for the modern single man.
Learn more about how to attract the woman of your dreams at:
James Brito makes it easy to attract and build honest relationships with the women you want. To receive your free 6-part audio mini-course, please visit:

Let's say you're out on the town and you see a beautiful woman that quickly captures your attention and she begins to touch her hair, looks your way, and smile. You were looking at her all this time and you imagine how impossible it would be to ask her out because if you did she would no doubt reject you. In reality, you've just sold yourself short and messed out on an golden opportunity. If you knew how to read women's body language, you would've noticed that she was actually throwing out clues for you to make a move and was clearly attracted to you just as much as you were to her. By learning to read and understand a woman's body language you can prevent chances like this from slipping by you.

First of all, what you need to be aware of is that there are to two types of body language, closed and open. Closed signs tell you when a woman isn't interested or doesn't want to be bothered. Meanwhile, the open signs that a woman gives off shows you when a woman is attracted or interested in getting to know you.

Close Body Language:

The most obvious sign that a woman doesn't want to be bothered is when her arms are folded. This doesn't necessarily mean she doesn't like you or isn't attracted to you but rather simply that she's not in the mood. It's possible that she's uncomfortable, agitated, or again doesn't want to be bothered with meeting men at least at the moment.

If you've started a conversation with a woman you've decided to approach and she rolls her eyes it should be a clear sign that she's embarrassed or annoyed with you. The chances of success with a woman who does this are very slim since she's already made up her mind about you. Another fact you should keep in mind and learn to quickly read is if she leans back after you are about to approach her. This the signal that women will give you that they don't want to be around you and that you should back away.

Open Body Language:

Reaction To Eye Contact

One classic example I will use is when a woman flips her hair. When a women flips her hair then afterwards looks your way its an obvious signal that she's attracted to you and wants your full attention.

An important thing you should understand is how to read her reaction after eye contact is established. You can tell she's not interested in you if she looks away and does nothing afterwards. However, when a woman shows signs that she has become nervous due to you looking at her then its an obvious she's interested in you.

Examples of these signs include doing things like:

- Adjusting clothes
- Playing with her watch and/or jewelry
- Checking her cell phone suddenly

Signals While Talking

Once you've decided to approach her and begin a conversation, one sign a woman gives you that you've won her over is when she leans forward and seems interested in everything you say. A subtle and subconscious way of a woman showing you a sign that she wants you is if she exposes wrists and has the palm of her hands open. It's her way of telling you that she's willing to be submissive to you.

My favorite example of open body language that women show is when they laugh at all or almost all your jokes (whether or not they're funny), continue to smile a lot, and start touching you. It's a clear sign that she's become comfortable with you and that she's really attracted to you. This is one of the best times to make your move to ask her out on a date and get her number.

Studies have shown that a woman's body language actually tells you more than half of what she really means even more so than speaking words. With that in mind, while it does make a difference to understand it, it shouldn't be thought of as totally fool proof. Even if a woman's body language is closed to you this shouldn't stop you from actually attempting to start a polite conversation if you really like her.

While fear of rejection is something that most men face, the only time you really fail is when you don't try. Usually the worst that could happen is a woman telling you that she's not interested in you. Anything worse then that and it should tell you a good sign that she's not someone you should pursue anyway.

Always remember to pay attention to what her body is actually saying but it's up to you to decide on whether or not you'll act on things and how you'll act which really determines your success.

It’s a question every guy asks himself, every guy struggles with at some point or another, every guy desperately wants to know the answer to:


The answer isn’t easy to come by. There are as many answers as there are types of women: young, old; fat, skinny; talkative, quiet; beautiful…not so beautiful. They all want different things, different men for their different personalities. It’s enough to drive a man crazy! We want to know so badly what it is women desire that Hollywood addressed the age-old question with the movie "What Women Want" (which, I’m embarrassed to say, I enjoyed).

So, surely…there must be something ALL women want?

That’s the good news: There are certain qualities every woman can appreciate. And as men, that’s what we need to focus on most. Not on what we THINK they want, but on what we can KNOW they want. Maybe we think being 6′5", wealthy, and jacked like a football player is what every woman wants, but (thankfully) it’s not. Only certain women want that, and the groupies who only want a millionaire athlete on steroids usually aren’t even worth your time.

It’s better to focus on the girls YOU really want: the girls who make you feel good, and make you a better man. Empower yourself with a sense of choice, so that you don’t waste your time (and theirs) hitting on girls who don’t fit with your personality and purpose. The great news is, if you can provide the basic qualities that all women REALLY desire, then getting the girl of your dreams will be easy!

So let’s look at some things we can safely say women want in a man–regardless of his size, regardless of his looks, regardless of his wealth.

1. A demonstrative value. That is, women want to know that their man is someone other women would want. They want a certain "gotta have" quality about their man. This is why, when we go out with a girlfriend, women give us looks and always seem more interested. It’s annoying but true: the easiest way to get a girl, is to have one already!

Naturally, that doesn’t mean that you should be hitting on girls when you have a girlfriend. No way! But when you are single, it’s important to know how to show value. I’ve got a great lesson on this in my e-book that will show you everything you need to know: how to make her laugh, how to show a talent, and how to make sure she never leaves you.

There’s so much to learn, but in short, you want to be a guy girls love to be around, and that other girls want to have! If you don’t feel like you’re there right now, do your best to be a fun-loving guy who people enjoy being around. Be quick with a smile, and quick with a joke. Even a guy who smiles a lot can be someone girls want. Who doesn’t enjoy being around someone who’s happy, who lifts the mood of the room?

2. A man who needs her…but not too much. This can greatly value from girl to girl, but basically women DO want to feel appreciated. They just don’t want to be obsessed over. Guys, show interest in a woman, and make her feel beautiful and wanted…but don’t slave over her and make her feel like you can’t live without her. That’s just pathetic, and drives women away.

I wrote a blog on how women want to feel needed. Check it out now if you want to find out how to show your woman the right amount of love.

3. A feeling of security. Women want to feel safe with a man. They want to know that everything’s gonna be all right. This doesn’t mean you have to be huge and strong, or have millions in the bank. It just means you have to talk reassuringly to her, look after her safety, and assure her when she needs it that things are going to be OK.

It also means coming to her protection, when she needs it. If someone is being a jerk to her, stand up for her. If she’s being threatened, fight for her. Let her know that you will fight for her, and nothing will get in your way.

One of the best ways to make her feel confident that you will protect her, of course, is to be…

4. A guy who’s in shape. Okay, I said that you don’t have to be a professional rugby player to attract women, but that doesn’t mean you should let your body slide! Part of a woman’s evolutionary mechanism says that a man who is strong will protect her and the children, as well as produce strong children. Likewise, a man who is weak will produce weak children, and not be able to protect the family as well (if at all) It may occur subconsciously, but it’s there.

So show her your value by being a guy who’s well-built, healthy, and athletic. Join a gym, not just to get women but to improve your health and the way you see yourself. Join a martial arts class–who doesn’t like a guy who can kick some ass? You’ll feel better about yourself, making it easier to pick up girls, and her mating drive will only naturally attract her to you. It’s a win-win situation!

5. Someone who’s not boring. Doesn’t matter how good looking you are…if you bore a woman to tears, she’s not gonna stick around–or even give you a chance, for that matter. Be someone who smiles. Someone who’s quick with a laugh. Someone who doesn’t take life too seriously, who lets loose. That shows a lot more value than a guy who’s stiff and serious–even if he is good looking or wealthy. Believe me, there are lots of guys who have money, who have good looks–but are single, because they’re dull and not fun to be around.

6. Someone who’s good with her friends. You’ve seen it at bars: girls always look to their friends for their approval. Get their friends’ approval, and you get the girl’s approval.

Oftentimes it’s actually best to concentrate on getting to know the girl’s group of friends before you spend time talking to her. If you can make her friends laugh and enjoy your company, getting the girl you want will be a piece of cake!

I really like this piece of advice from Joseph Matthews, aka Thundercat, author of The Art of the Approach, in his free e-newsletter: "Meeting women when they are with their friends is WAY easier than waiting for when they are alone! This is because women with friends feel safe and relaxed, so their defenses aren’t up."

Furthermore, he warns that you’re not doing your chances any favors by waiting til she’s alone: "If you wait until she’s by herself to meet her, you’re walking into a situation where she’s going to be WAY more defensive than usual." So learn to be sociable, and just have fun with her friends! If you can make them enjoy your company, getting your "target’s" approval will be a piece of cake.

This is also where it’s good to go with girls in the same social network as you…you already have the approval of mutual friends. The book, Sex in America, says that 60% of married couples meet through friends, work, or mutual activities. For more information on using networking to your benefit, click here.

Finally, the trait all women REALLY want: 7. A man with a purpose. Believe me, women don’t expect every guy they meet to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars, have more power than the mayor, and be more handsome than Brad Pitt. They don’t expect you to be wildly successful. But they DO want you to be headed towards success. They DO want you to have direction. They DO want you to be living up to your potential. And those aren’t bad expectations to have! Remember, "Behind every great man is a great woman." You may not be at the top just yet, but as long as you’re heading there, with goals in life, you’re bound to attract women. And more importantly, reach your own personal success.

I highly suggest you read "The Way of the Superior Man," by David Deida. It details the importance of having a life purpose, both for you and for your girlfriend or wife. The book also explains the very important idea that if someone doesn’t fit into your purpose, or detracts you from it, then she isn’t worth your time. As I said above, don’t just go for any old girl: go for the ones who fit YOU, and who make YOU a better person. That’s what we men should really want!

I hope all of this advice helps you out as you seek to improve yourself and attract the women who matter to you. Remember that it isn’t important to know what the bimbo who wants to spend all your money wants: it’s important to know what women who want to be with you want. Empower yourself by being choosy, and you’ll be sure to attract the woman who’s right for you.

Finally, for more information on attracting the specific women you really want, check out my e-book and audio series. Thanks for reading!


James Brito regularly explores topics of attraction. Since 2000, he has helped thousands of men around build confidence and get the women they deserve. To get his free six-part audio mini-course, visit:

For single guys, trying to meet woman can be a very frustrating process. Even if we go to the right places and find interesting girls, it still can be difficult due to the fact that guys have to be the ones who initiate a conversation.
Making the first move can be quite intimidating due to the fact that many guys don't know what to say or how to start talking to women.
Even worse, a lot of guys are unsure if a girl will be interested in them.
But if you become a master at reading the body language of women, you can avoid that initial uneasiness and have the confidence to approach women.
So what is body language?
Basically body language is the collection of traits and behavior that all people give off which indicates our conscious (and sub-conscious) feelings. By paying attention to the body language of a woman, you'll be able to tell if she wants you to talk to her.
Having this knowledge will make approaching her that much easier. So when you locate a girl that you are interested in, take a look at her body language and pay attention to these three indicators of interest:
1) Eye Contact
Before even talking to a woman, try to make direct eye contact with her. Often you'll see her looking away quickly and then glancing back at you. If she holds your eye contact, then that is a definite indicator that she has an interest in you.
In addition, when she knows that you're looking at her, study how she interacts with her friends and environment. Try to find anything that indicates a level of nervousness. This shows that she is attracted to you and is having trouble composing herself.
2) Touching Her Hair
For some mysterious reason, women show their interest in a guy by playing with their hair. By watching how she touches her hair, you'll find out her level of interest.
Once you make eye contact, study how she touches her hair. The first thing you should look for is if she flips her hair. If you see her toss her hair from one side to the other and then looks directly at you, this indicates that she has some level of desire for you and would like you to engage her in a conversation.
Some other hair indicators can include caressing her hair as she talks to her friends or twirling hair around her finger. If you see these actions coupled with looks in your direction, then you're being sent a subtle message.
3) Pointing Her Body Towards You
A powerful way to find out if a woman likes you is to watch how she positions her body after making initial eye contact. If she positions her body in your general direction, then this shows she is attracted to you.
When studying her, you are basically looking for certain indicators which demonstrate a subconscious desire for you to talk to her. Some gestures can include:

• Feet pointing towards you
• Exposing her wrists in your direction
• Widening her legs

If you see any maneuver from a woman which indicates an "opening up", she is telling you that she is attracted and wants you to initiate a conversation.
By paying attention to the body language of women, you can find out their level of desire without even speaking a word. If you're the shy type, then this is a great way to build confidence before making your first move.
So next time you're looking for women, take some time to check out what they are saying to you without speaking a word.
Scott Patterson is a master at meeting, approaching, and attracting women. Check out his free ecourse and discover how you can also succeed with women:

It's a question every guy asks himself, every guy struggles with at some point or another, every guy desperately wants to know the answer to:
The answer isn't easy to come by. There are as many answers as there are types of women: young, old; fat, skinny; talkative, quiet; beautiful…not so beautiful. They all want different things, different men for their different personalities. It's enough to drive a man crazy! We want to know so badly what it is women desire that Hollywood addressed the age-old question with the movie "What Women Want" (which, I'm embarrassed to say, I enjoyed).
So, surely…there must be something ALL women want?
That's the good news: There are certain qualities every woman can appreciate. And as men, that's what we need to focus on most. Not on what we THINK they want, but on what we can KNOW they want. Maybe we think being 6′5", wealthy, and jacked like a football player is what every woman wants, but (thankfully) it's not. Only certain women want that, and the groupies who only want a millionaire athlete on steroids usually aren't even worth your time.
It's better to focus on the girls YOU really want: the girls who make you feel good, and make you a better man. Empower yourself with a sense of choice, so that you don't waste your time (and theirs) hitting on girls who don't fit with your personality and purpose. The great news is, if you can provide the basic qualities that all women REALLY desire, then getting the girl of your dreams will be easy!
So let's look at some things we can safely say women want in a man-regardless of his size, regardless of his looks, regardless of his wealth.
1. A demonstrative value. That is, women want to know that their man is someone other women would want. They want a certain "gotta have" quality about their man. This is why, when we go out with a girlfriend, women give us looks and always seem more interested. It's annoying but true: the easiest way to get a girl, is to have one already!
Naturally, that doesn't mean that you should be hitting on girls when you have a girlfriend. No way! But when you are single, it's important to know how to show value. I've got a great lesson on this in my e-book that will show you everything you need to know: how to make her laugh, how to show a talent, and how to make sure she never leaves you.
There's so much to learn, but in short, you want to be a guy girls love to be around, and that other girls want to have! If you don't feel like you're there right now, do your best to be a fun-loving guy who people enjoy being around. Be quick with a smile, and quick with a joke. Even a guy who smiles a lot can be someone girls want. Who doesn't enjoy being around someone who's happy, who lifts the mood of the room?
2. A man who needs her…but not too much. This can greatly value from girl to girl, but basically women DO want to feel appreciated. They just don't want to be obsessed over. Guys, show interest in a woman, and make her feel beautiful and wanted…but don't slave over her and make her feel like you can't live without her. That's just pathetic, and drives women away.
I wrote a blog on how women want to feel needed. Check it out now if you want to find out how to show your woman the right amount of love.
3. A feeling of security. Women want to feel safe with a man. They want to know that everything's gonna be all right. This doesn't mean you have to be huge and strong, or have millions in the bank. It just means you have to talk reassuringly to her, look after her safety, and assure her when she needs it that things are going to be OK.
It also means coming to her protection, when she needs it. If someone is being a jerk to her, stand up for her. If she's being threatened, fight for her. Let her know that you will fight for her, and nothing will get in your way.
One of the best ways to make her feel confident that you will protect her, of course, is to be…
4. A guy who's in shape. Okay, I said that you don't have to be a professional rugby player to attract women, but that doesn't mean you should let your body slide! Part of a woman's evolutionary mechanism says that a man who is strong will protect her and the children, as well as produce strong children. Likewise, a man who is weak will produce weak children, and not be able to protect the family as well (if at all) It may occur subconsciously, but it's there.
So show her your value by being a guy who's well-built, healthy, and athletic. Join a gym, not just to get women but to improve your health and the way you see yourself. Join a martial arts class-who doesn't like a guy who can kick some ass? You'll feel better about yourself, making it easier to pick up girls, and her mating drive will only naturally attract her to you. It's a win-win situation!
5. Someone who's not boring. Doesn't matter how good looking you are…if you bore a woman to tears, she's not gonna stick around-or even give you a chance, for that matter. Be someone who smiles. Someone who's quick with a laugh. Someone who doesn't take life too seriously, who lets loose. That shows a lot more value than a guy who's stiff and serious-even if he is good looking or wealthy. Believe me, there are lots of guys who have money, who have good looks-but are single, because they're dull and not fun to be around.
6. Someone who's good with her friends. You've seen it at bars: girls always look to their friends for their approval. Get their friends' approval, and you get the girl's approval.
Oftentimes it's actually best to concentrate on getting to know the girl's group of friends before you spend time talking to her. If you can make her friends laugh and enjoy your company, getting the girl you want will be a piece of cake!
I really like this piece of advice from Joseph Matthews, aka Thundercat, author of The Art of the Approach, in his free e-newsletter: "Meeting women when they are with their friends is WAY easier than waiting for when they are alone! This is because women with friends feel safe and relaxed, so their defenses aren't up."
Furthermore, he warns that you're not doing your chances any favors by waiting til she's alone: "If you wait until she's by herself to meet her, you're walking into a situation where she's going to be WAY more defensive than usual." So learn to be sociable, and just have fun with her friends! If you can make them enjoy your company, getting your "target's" approval will be a piece of cake.
This is also where it's good to go with girls in the same social network as you…you already have the approval of mutual friends. The book, Sex in America, says that 60% of married couples meet through friends, work, or mutual activities. For more information on using networking to your benefit, click here.
Finally, the trait all women REALLY want: 7. A man with a purpose. Believe me, women don't expect every guy they meet to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars, have more power than the mayor, and be more handsome than Brad Pitt. They don't expect you to be wildly successful. But they DO want you to be headed towards success. They DO want you to have direction. They DO want you to be living up to your potential. And those aren't bad expectations to have! Remember, "Behind every great man is a great woman." You may not be at the top just yet, but as long as you're heading there, with goals in life, you're bound to attract women. And more importantly, reach your own personal success.
I highly suggest you read "The Way of the Superior Man," by David Deida. It details the importance of having a life purpose, both for you and for your girlfriend or wife. The book also explains the very important idea that if someone doesn't fit into your purpose, or detracts you from it, then she isn't worth your time. As I said above, don't just go for any old girl: go for the ones who fit YOU, and who make YOU a better person. That's what we men should really want!
I hope all of this advice helps you out as you seek to improve yourself and attract the women who matter to you. Remember that it isn't important to know what the bimbo who wants to spend all your money wants: it's important to know what women who want to be with you want. Empower yourself by being choosy, and you'll be sure to attract the woman who's right for you.
Finally, for more information on attracting the specific women you really want, check out my e-book and audio series. Thanks for reading!
James Brito, author of "How to Be Irresistible to Women," has helped thoudands of men world-wide build confidence and find love. To receive his free six-part audio mini-course, visit:
Because it's YOUR turn!

Do you want to me more likable especially to women? Do you feel your life is a little boring and you want to find new things in life to perk up your life? If you are looking for tips on how to be more interesting to other people and to women, here are some things you may want to do to get started. * Socialize and make new friends. Aside from the existing friends you have, meet other people. Expand your network of friends. They may be some people new to the neighborhood, or a new officemate or the usual people you meet around on your jogging session that you never get to know more before. You can actually find new friends in the workplace, in church, in the neighborhood and in your favorite leisure spot. * Go out and try new things. If your weekends are spent on your favorite TV show or movie at home, try to make a change. Instead, go out and try a new sport or adventure, or get involved in exciting and interesting activities. This will not only help you make new friends but will also help you make exciting and interesting conversations, which of course, one of the keys on how to be more interesting to women. * Be a wide-reader. Aside from getting involved in new activities, it also helps a lot to be a wide-reader. Read about current events and read interesting books and popular ones. Aside from books about your interest, you can also try to read on topics that are new to you. Some people also have amazing skills of remembering what they read and are excellent in picking out the great conversations and facts of the book. When you share what you have read, most often, you will have an easier way to remember the good points of a book. Therefore, do not only read - share it. * Learn the tricks of good storytelling. Of course, some of us may be really good in telling stories but some could also fail on this aspect. However, there are ways to improve and master the skill of how to communicate effectively. Oftentimes, we tend to equate an interesting person to how interesting he tells a story. Indeed, most people find good storytellers interesting, so learn their tricks. * Be interested on other people. Indeed, one of the best ways on how to be more interesting is showing interest to others. It does not mean meddling on their personal affairs but you can show interest in them by taking time to say 'Hi,' share a story, give an honest compliment, or just listen to them if they want to share something. Ask questions. Most often, interesting conversations start with one simple question that shows a genuine interest to the other person. If you master the skill of being able to listen to others and give honest compliments, you will also find yourself more likeable to women. How to be more interesting to other people and to women, if you are aiming to attract women, can be actually learned. Try to make some time to make something new once in a while and learn many things that you can share to everyone, and you will find yourself getting more and more interesting.

Carolyn Anderson is a freelance author who also loves self-help books. For tips and techniques to be irresistible and interesting to women, check out this resource on how to approach and attract beautiful women. Also check out The Jerk Women Love if you want to know what women want in a man and capture the interest of the woman you like.

Men and women are created differently; they see things and understand them from different angles. The same applies to how men and women perceive love and its expression. Many men shoot in the dark, leave their women unsatisfied and find themselves frustrated in their efforts to express love.Here are a few guidelines on how to show a woman you love her and thus win her heart: 1.Say it! Yes, just say it like it is. Why should you burn inside, beat about the bush and risk losing the one you love just because you are shy. Tell her you love her and the more you do that, you will find yourself acting out the love. Women need love and they want to hear it coming from your mouth and they will believe you. At the risk of generalising, women are ruled by the heart but of course there are a few who still insist they are an exception to the rule and they should be accorded recognition.

2.Show Interest in her as a person

Showing interest involves listening to your wife or girlfriend and I mean taking time to absorb what they are saying to you without dismissing, jumping to conclusion or offering solutions that you think are necessary. This seems to be the hardest thing to do for most men as instinctively they want to offer solutions. However, this seemingly noble action frustrates women as they feel unheard and so unloved. It is also important to ask her how she feels and what she wants. Show interest in her job if she has a career, or even her time spent at home if she is a housewife. Ask her about her hopes and aspirations, what her ambitions and fears are. In other words, take time to talk about her.

3.Help with small things

What men consider small things, are actually huge with women. Therefore things like taking her car for routine service or for repairs, taking out the trash, helping with kids or even fixing a meal for her while she is at work or just relaxing, go a long way in winning you big points with women. If she is sick, pay attention and offer to make her comfortable. If you need to take a day off from work so that you can accompany her to the doctor, then do it. It will seem nothing to you but believe me, any sane woman would appreciate such acts of kindness and care. When women talk of tender loving care (TLC), men get scared thinking that they are going to be asked to spend the whole day pampering and attending to their wife or girlfriend. The truth is, women also like time to be alone and to do their own thing, but they also like to feel secure in the knowledge that their men will be available to support them when the chips are down.

4.Keep the romance alive

Show the woman in your life that you love her by planning romantic getaways, dates and occasions. Buy her flowers and gifts, no matter how small. Most women value the thought and effort more than the gift. The more thoughtful and original the gift is the better. It will give men more points with women if they made an effort to remember important dates such as her birthday and anniversaries.

5.Spend quality time

Quality time does not necessarily mean having sex. This is an area where men and women seem to differ in their perception. While men like to feel close and intimate by having sexual intercourse, women on the other hand want to spend time cuddling, talking, kissing and just having fun without the pressure of sex. While it is naturally important that you have sex, make an effort to have moments of fun without making it the end goal. The above guidelines are just guidelines which might work with some people and fail with others. The overall determining factor is whether you genuinely love the woman in your life and if you do, a lot of these things will come naturally and effortlessly. It is also true that the woman in your life needs to be psychologically tuned and ready to receive your love. All in all, you need to be right for each other.

Mosline Farawu is a blogger commenting on women and issues affecting women in the 21st Century as well as a budding Internet Marketer. More articles can be found on:

What are some great ways to flirt? Here are the "Lucky Seven" great ways of flirting with women:

The confident eye gaze

The "Dale Head Drop"


Open body language

Lean in to her

Thumbs in belt

Touch her

Let's look at each in more detail:

1. The confident eye gaze

This is how you start your interest. Nothing shows confidence off the bat like meeting a girl's eyes, and KEEPING YOUR STARE. If you see her look down and smile, you know you've made it and the time to approach is now. If she looks away from you but doesn't smile, give her a shot nonetheless; just the fact that she met your eyes for a second or two shows interest.

2. The Dale Head Drop

If you really want to blow away a girl--and show some balls--meet a girl's eyes, then knowingly drop your head to the side, as if to say, "Hey, you know you want me. Come over here and get me!" This works incredibly well in foreign countries. In the States, the girls tend to be able to see through it a bit more--but it still works!

3. Smile!

It's often overlooked, but nothing communicates happiness, confidence, and interest in a girl all in one like a nice big smile. Show the girl you're in control, show her you're confident, show her you're a fun guy to be around: brighten the place up with a big smile! And if your teeth need work, then get them fixed! It's good not just for your chances of meeting a girl, but also for your health and appearance!

4. Open Body Language

So many guys walk or sit with their arms crossed, their legs close together, and their faces anxious and flat. Stop that! Welcome a girl into your world: Have your arms open and leaned back, your legs open and relaxed, your face warm and inviting. You'll not only attract yourself into a girl's world, but also into the world of people at a party, club, or bar who can help you meet a future girlfriend--or even wife!

5. Lean in to her

As you're talking to a girl, especially while seated, show her your interest with confidence by leaning in closer. You don't want to be a creep, of course, but you can generally tell by a girl's body language and talk how interested she is in you. If things are looking good, show her your control of the situation--and interest in her--by leaning in and generally getting closer to her. Leaning back does the opposite; it shows you're unconfident and not overly interested. Not what you want to communicate.

6. Thumbs in belt

Ever put your thumbs in your belt, with your hands at your hips' side? This is processed as a sign of being confident in one's sexuality and size. So if you're standing around at a bar or club and want to convey confidence, this will certainly be understood by girls!

7. Touch her!

Yup, nothing quite connects like "Reaching out and touching someone", so to speak. Great conversations and emotional/spiritual chemistry are great, but if you really want to take it to the next level, you'll have to eventually show some balls and touch her. This isn't about grabbing her and making out (unless it really is going that well and she's flirting out of control!), but doing little things: brushing your arm by her shoulders, lightly massaging her, leading her by the arm to another location in the place. By making a physical connection, you're giving her a sign loud and clear that you're confident in yourself and interested in her.


This is just a starter's guide to flirting, but it should serve you well as you venture out to bars, clubs, and parties in search of women. Remember to stay relaxed, and keep your body OPEN, not closed. Invite the honeys in; don't scare them away! Now you're on the path to success.

Alot of guys have been asking me what we men should do for body language, so this column will give you the answers: how to recognize female body language, how to react to it, and how to use your own body language to flirt with women successfully, from start to finish.

You have to remember that whatever you say, however you gesture your hands, arms, head, and eyes, women are NOT taking your movements at face value. If she jokes with you and you lightly push her away as if to say "Stop", she's taking that simple gesture as something more: interest, dis-interest, enjoyment, annoyance-any of a million different signals. She's reading it for further suggestions as to what kind of guy you are, and what your interest in her is. Know that with body language, girls are always reading the way you move and act!

Here are my "Lucky Seven" best ways to show interest:

The confident eye gaze
The "Dale Head Drop"
Open body language
Lean in to her
Thumbs in belt
Touch her

Let's look at each in more detail:

1. The confident eye gaze

This is how you start your interest. Nothing shows confidence off the bat like meeting a girl's eyes, and KEEPING YOUR STARE. If you see her look down and smile, you know you've made it and the time to approach is now. If she looks away from you but doesn't smile, give her a shot nonetheless; just the fact that she met your eyes for a second or two shows interest.

2. The Dale Head Drop

So named after the guy who mastered the art of getting women rushing to his side, just with a simple shrug! If you really want to blow away a girl-and show some balls-meet a girl's eyes, then knowingly drop your head to the side, as if to say, "Hey, you know you want me. Come over here and get me!" I've found this to work incredibly well in foreign countries. In the States, the girls tend to be able to see through it a bit more-but it still works!

3. Smile!

It's often overlooked, but nothing communicates happiness, confidence, and interest in a girl all in one like a nice big smile. Show the girl you're in control, show her you're confident, show her you're a fun guy to be around: brighten the place up with a big smile! And if your teeth need work, then get them fixed! It's good not just for your chances of meeting a girl, but also for your health and appearance!

4. Open Body Language

So many guys walk or sit with their arms crossed, their legs close together, and their faces anxious and flat. Stop that! Welcome a girl into your world: Have your arms open and leaned back, your legs open and relaxed, your face warm and inviting. You'll not only attract yourself into a girl's world, but also into the world of people at a party, club, or bar who can help you meet a future girlfriend-or even wife!

5. Lean in to her

As you're talking to a girl, especially while seated, show her your interest with confidence by leaning in closer. You don't want to be a creep, of course, but you can generally tell by a girl's body language and talk how interested she is in you. If things are looking good, show her your control of the situation-and interest in her-by leaning in and generally getting closer to her. Leaning back does the opposite; it shows you're unconfident and not overly interested. Not what you want to communicate.

6. Thumbs in belt

Ever put your thumbs in your belt, with your hands at your hips' side? This is processed as a sign of being confident in one's sexuality and size. So if you're standing around at a bar or club and want to convey confidence, this will certainly be understood by girls!

7. Touch her!

Yup, nothing gets you closer to a girl than physical touch. Great conversations and emotional/spiritual chemistry are great, but if you really want to take it to the next level, you'll have to eventually show some balls and touch her. I'm not talking about grabbing her and making out (unless it really is going that well and she's flirting out of control!), but doing little things: brushing your arm by her shoulders, lightly massaging her, leading her by the arm to another location in the place. By making a physical connection, you're giving her a sign loud and clear that you're confident in yourself and interested in her.

A lot of guys have been asking me what we men should do for body language, so this column will give you the answers: how to recognize female body language, how to react to it, and how to use your own body language to flirt with women successfully, from start to finish.

You have to remember that whatever you say, however you gesture your hands, arms, head, and eyes, women are NOT taking your movements at face value. If she jokes with you and you lightly push her away as if to say "Stop", she's taking that simple gesture as something more: interest, dis-interest, enjoyment, annoyance-any of a million different signals. She's reading it for further suggestions as to what kind of guy you are, and what your interest in her is. Know that with body language, girls are always reading the way you move and act!

Here are my "Lucky Seven" best ways to show interest:

The confident eye gaze
The "Dale Head Drop"
Open body language
Lean in to her
Thumbs in belt
Touch her

Let's look at each in more detail:

1. The confident eye gaze

This is how you start your interest. Nothing shows confidence off the bat like meeting a girl's eyes, and KEEPING YOUR STARE. If you see her look down and smile, you know you've made it and the time to approach is now. If she looks away from you but doesn't smile, give her a shot nonetheless; just the fact that she met your eyes for a second or two shows interest.

2. The Dale Head Drop

So named after the guy who mastered the art of getting women rushing to his side, just with a simple shrug! If you really want to blow away a girl-and show some balls-meet a girl's eyes, then knowingly drop your head to the side, as if to say, "Hey, you know you want me. Come over here and get me!" I've found this to work incredibly well in foreign countries. In the States, the girls tend to be able to see through it a bit more-but it still works!

3. Smile!

It's often overlooked, but nothing communicates happiness, confidence, and interest in a girl all in one like a nice big smile. Show the girl you're in control, show her you're confident, show her you're a fun guy to be around: brighten the place up with a big smile! And if your teeth need work, then get them fixed! It's good not just for your chances of meeting a girl, but also for your health and appearance!

4. Open Body Language

So many guys walk or sit with their arms crossed, their legs close together, and their faces anxious and flat. Stop that! Welcome a girl into your world: Have your arms open and leaned back, your legs open and relaxed, your face warm and inviting. You'll not only attract yourself into a girl's world, but also into the world of people at a party, club, or bar who can help you meet a future girlfriend-or even wife!

5. Lean in to her

As you're talking to a girl, especially while seated, show her your interest with confidence by leaning in closer. You don't want to be a creep, of course, but you can generally tell by a girl's body language and talk how interested she is in you. If things are looking good, show her your control of the situation-and interest in her-by leaning in and generally getting closer to her. Leaning back does the opposite; it shows you're unconfident and not overly interested. Not what you want to communicate.

6. Thumbs in belt

Ever put your thumbs in your belt, with your hands at your hips' side? This is processed as a sign of being confident in one's sexuality and size. So if you're standing around at a bar or club and want to convey confidence, this will certainly be understood by girls!

7. Touch her!

Yup, nothing gets you closer to a girl than physical touch. Great conversations and emotional/spiritual chemistry are great, but if you really want to take it to the next level, you'll have to eventually show some balls and touch her. I'm not talking about grabbing her and making out (unless it really is going that well and she's flirting out of control!), but doing little things: brushing your arm by her shoulders, lightly massaging her, leading her by the arm to another location in the place. By making a physical connection, you're giving her a sign loud and clear that you're confident in yourself and interested in her.

In my previous column, I talked about how girls are more inclined to give off, and notice, body signals than guys, and are ALWAYS looking for signs from us guys, as well. Since then a lot of guys have been asking me what we men should do for body language, so this column will give you the answers.
You have to remember that whatever you say, however you gesture your hands, arms, head, and eyes, women are NOT taking your movements at face value. If she jokes with you and you lightly push her away as if to say "Stop", she's taking that simple gesture as something more: interest, dis-interest, enjoyment, annoyance-any of a million different signals. She's reading it for further suggestions as to what kind of guy you are, and what your interest in her is. Know that with body language, girls are always reading the way you move and act!
Here are my "Lucky Seven" best ways to show interest:
The confident eye gaze
The "Dale Head Drop"
Open body language
Lean in to her
Thumbs in belt
Touch her

Let's look at each in more detail:
1. The confident eye gaze
This is how you start your interest. Nothing shows confidence off the bat like meeting a girl's eyes, and KEEPING YOUR STARE. If you see her look down and smile, you know you've made it and the time to approach is now. If she looks away from you but doesn't smile, give her a shot nonetheless; just the fact that she met your eyes for a second or two shows interest.
2. The Dale Head Drop
So named after the guy who mastered the art of getting women rushing to his side, just with a simple shrug! If you really want to blow away a girl-and show some balls-meet a girl's eyes, then knowingly drop your head to the side, as if to say, "Hey, you know you want me. Come over here and get me!" I've found this to work incredibly well in foreign countries. In the States, the girls tend to be able to see through it a bit more-but it still works!
3. Smile!
It's often overlooked, but nothing communicates happiness, confidence, and interest in a girl all in one like a nice big smile. Show the girl you're in control, show her you're confident, show her you're a fun guy to be around: brighten the place up with a big smile! And if your teeth need work, then get them fixed! It's good not just for your chances of meeting a girl, but also for your health and appearance!
4. Open Body Language
So many guys walk or sit with their arms crossed, their legs close together, and their faces anxious and flat. Stop that! Welcome a girl into your world: Have your arms open and leaned back, your legs open and relaxed, your face warm and inviting. You'll not only attract yourself into a girl's world, but also into the world of people at a party, club, or bar who can help you meet a future girlfriend-or even wife!
5. Lean in to her
As you're talking to a girl, especially while seated, show her your interest with confidence by leaning in closer. You don't want to be a creep, of course, but you can generally tell by a girl's body language and talk how interested she is in you. If things are looking good, show her your control of the situation-and interest in her-by leaning in and generally getting closer to her. Leaning back does the opposite; it shows you're unconfident and not overly interested. Not what you want to communicate.
6. Thumbs in belt
Ever put your thumbs in your belt, with your hands at your hips' side? This is processed as a sign of being confident in one's sexuality and size. So if you're standing around at a bar or club and want to convey confidence, this will certainly be understood by girls!
7. Touch her!
Yup, nothing gets you closer to a girl than physical touch. Great conversations and emotional/spiritual chemistry are great, but if you really want to take it to the next level, you'll have to eventually show some balls and touch her. I'm not talking about grabbing her and making out (unless it really is going that well and she's flirting out of control!), but doing little things: brushing your arm by her shoulders, lightly massaging her, leading her by the arm to another location in the place. By making a physical connection, you're giving her a sign loud and clear that you're confident in yourself and interested in her.
James Brito is the author of "How to Be Irresistible to Women." His years of dating experience and international travel have tutored him in the art of meeting and seducing women the world over. His immersion in international dating circles brings forth a gritty, no-nonsense approach to dating and developing relationships necessary for the modern single man.
Learn more about how to attract the woman of your dreams at:

Women have particular fantasies in their heads involving getting wooed and then dated by an uninhibited guy that won't judge her if she gets into bed with him in an instant.

Within the female mind, this guy is gentle, strong and controlled. He tells her sweet nothings and can make her laugh with gentle teasing. This would be every girl's ideal guy.

The funny thing is: whenever women go out, they only come across men that fidget and shake whenever women show the slightest hint of disapproval. Do you just want to stand by idly, as you watch women wait for their ultimate dream guy? It is high time you learned the subtle tactics of psychology that can grab a woman's attention like magic.

How To Attract Women Like Magic With Secret Psyche Tips And Tricks

1. "Sneaky Reverse Psychology". The minute you walk towards a woman, she will think that you are interested in her. This will then be confirmed as you try hard to impress her and give her the chance to either reject you or play with your head. What you need to do is concentrate all of your attention on other things and other people whenever you talk to her. This will make any woman work harder to keep your attention on her.

2. "Alpha Male". Show women that you aren't merely a beta guy. Even without words, it is possible to make her feel like you are highly valuable and important, as long as you prove that you are good at interacting with people and that people actually listen and follow the things you say. Be the center of attention and take full control of interactions within a group to prove to women that you can lead anybody.

3. "Fractionation". This tactic of hypnosis, used as a tool of killer seduction by expert pickup artists, refers to sending women on a rollercoaster of emotions, and making her relate all of her happy states to you. This will result in her becoming emotionally dependent on you and agreeing to all of your demands.

However, before you use this technique, you must heed this warning...

Fractionation is considered as a 'dark art' tactic which is the basis of covert seduction, and while controversial, it is known to be one of the most effective tactics ever invented by underground seducers. It is described step-by-step in the Fractionation Formula system (as shown at this website -

Note: While I personally vouch for the effectiveness of this tactic, care must be taken as it could be dangerous in the hands of people with bad intentions. As Mr Spidey once said... great powers come with great responsibility. :)

So, if you want super quick success with women (and will do so ethically), then click on this following link to download The Fractionation Formula for free -

So you have been in the 'chase' for long and there seems to be nothing good coming out of your efforts? Every woman you approach seems to be totally uninterested; then this is for you. Capturing the attention of woman is hard enough leave alone getting her. Here are some easy and practical tips that can be useful to men thinking of how to get women.

1. Believe in yourself There is absolutely no sense in expecting someone else to believe what you say if don't believe it yourself. Carry yourself and talk with confidence and this will definitely make the chasing much easier.

2. Dress appropriately Women are usually interested in men who show that at least they take time to see how they look before stepping out of their houses.

3. Smell good This is a sure way on how to get women.

4. Fresh breath There is nothing as irritating as having to almost cover your nose or face the other side when talking to someone. An instant way of getting a fresh breath is chewing a mint-flavored gum.

5. Compliment her Making women feel like they own the world is an easy way on how to get women

6. Be natural Women will always know when man is faking it and this will actually keep them away from you.

7. Don't forget your sense of humor Being funny is a perfect method of keeping her hanging onto every word you say.

8. Be spontaneous Surprise her with things that she does not expect.

9. Use your charms and charisma Your individuality and uniqueness can be your greatest asset to actually getting women interested in you.

10. Never rush Let the woman do it in her own pace. Don't be too quick to pass judgments on her feelings lest you might be disappointed.

If you really want to learn How to Get Women, then you will let Tiffany Taylor show you how to to Attract, Seduce and Pick-up Women quickly and easily using highly effective Psychological Techniques. Her Free Training Are Only Available at Tiffany Taylor

All women are born different and there are various ways to get a girl. Here are some important things that you need to learn and possess in order to win over the woman of your dreams.

Invite Her on a Date

Ask the girl that you like to go out with you. Make sure that both of you do something interesting together. You can try and bring her someplace that you feel at ease and if possible, where you do things which you are proud of. On the other hand, you can show interest by going somewhere or doing something she really likes.

If she is a musician, then you can ask her to play a song. If she likes poetry, then maybe you can aks her to read something she wrote. However, if you not yet comfortable or ready to share your personal life, then just have a dinner date or do something together in order to get to know her better.

Be Romantic

Chocolates, roses, teddy bears and candles can be somewhat common for women. Instead, think of something that will really get her excited. Learn what makes that special someone unique - look for and do stuff that only she would like.

What are her unusual hobbies, passions and dreams? Everytime she talk, watch a movie or goes shopping, what interest her the most? Pay attention to details. Women like it when you still remember things that they have told you in the past. Recognizing how special she is and showing her that you know it better than anybody else in the world is the true meaning of being a romantic.

Have a Personal Life

This is important, especially if you are the type of guy who is prone to getting stuck in the 'friend zone'. Women hate men who have no life at all and who stick to them like glue. A number of women like that; however, it is all for the wrong reasons.

They are either control freaks who like dominating men or they are just lacking in confidence and in need of attention. Unless you would like to become a guy in either of those situations, then concentrate occupying your time with your own goals, hobbies, pastime and friendships.

Now Listen Carefully-

How would you like to discover an earth shattering secret that will make any and every girl chase you around like crazy even if you are fat, bald or plain ugly. Do not do anything else in your life unless you read each and every word on the next page first. Trust me...This is one thing you definitely don't want to miss at any cost. Follow this link right now- Click Here.

Are you having trouble attracting women? Well look no further! In this article we will cover 5 ways to make women want you. These techniques are very simple yet effective.

Where most people fail, is by not keeping it simple. Whatever happens, do not over think situations. Stay calm and relax, before you know it, girls will be falling head over heels for you.

The 5 ways to make women want you are:

Exude confidence: The single most important thing you can do is feel good about yourself. By accomplishing this step, the rest comes easy. Remember, how you feel and carry yourself is how others perceive you. This is a key component to attracting women.

Establish Curiosity: Much like branding and marketing a product you must establish interest in yourself.The best way to do this, is bycreating a mysterious environment. In other words don't be an open book but at the same time allow certain aspects of your personality to shine just enough to peak curiosity. Women will be dying to figure you out!

Show interest: Women are multi dimensional individuals. A big mistake to make is to concentrate strictly on their looks. You will have the most success with women that share your interest. Compatibility plays a major role as a relationship develops. It is essential to not overlook this aspect when embarking on a new relationship. You will soon find that the women you are attracted to will change slightly as you introduce this element into your dating arsenal. After all looks will only keep your interest for so long.

Stay away from titles: Avoid being labeled at all costs. This willaffect your results greatly. If you are labeled as a player, it becomes harder to convince women to date you. This may include women that you are really interested in. It is also imperative that you are not labeled as nice or the friend type. This will only make your tasks much harder. Establish your presence, let your intentions be known, and steer away from actions that may get you labeled as either a player or the friend type.

Be Yourself: Do not try too hard to impress someone. This can only have the effect of pushing someone away. You can try other methods at attracting women, but at the end of the day she will eventually get to know the real you. By being yourself your dating record will be full of rave reviews by women you've dated. And women will be interested in pursuing you as a consequence. Just be yourself. Developing your confidence will help you develop in this area as well.

Conclusion: Getting women to want you is not complicated. At the same time, it does require some effort. As a child you may remember learning to ride a bike. The first few tries you fell and it looked like there was no progress, but you soon mastered riding a bike. The same principle can be applied to dating women.

When you first start out, you will fail quite often. The key thing to take from your failures is to jot down your mistakes and make sure to develop yourself as an individual so as to never repeat them again.

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Hormones have been traditionally been linked with mood swings and the highly emotional nature of women. In recent times, people are familiar with terms like PMS or Pre-Menstrual Syndrome, knowing about how they affect the female body. But when it comes to female hormones, few have the knowledge to realize that they influence the skin.


Hormones start inducing their effect on the human body when a human being goes through puberty. Hormones are generally active during adolescence. Their sole function is to trigger biological reactions, as they travel from the different glands to the cells as chemical messengers. For instance, male hormones like androgen are responsible for the features that govern the male subject, like growth of facial and pubic hair, secretion from the sebum and the sweat glands and controlling of the functions of the kidney. As a result it seems evident that the hormones dominate the human bodily functions and need to be taken seriously.

Hormonal Acne:

What is hormonal acne? They are messengers, largely chemical in nature, triggering the oil secretion of the human body. This happens when the hormones are directed towards the skin after being released form their respective glands. As the secretion is increased, the pores of the skin get swollen and ultimately burst.

This is particularly to be noticed among women, during the menstrual cycle or after it. Distress creeps in and women generally resort to anti-acne creams. But this does not solve the problem. It is important to know what causes these breakouts and find the proper remedy to cure them form within.

Generally adult women are seen to suffer from worsening acne or adult onset acne. The standard remedy is to use antibiotics, Accutane or topical preparations. Various surveys have shown that almost 60 percent of these women show interest in common medication processes and do not show any response to the general ways of treating acne related problems.

Treating acne with hormones is very helpful. Due to professional stress among the women, it is noticed that the male hormonal levels increase and result in acne. Also there are several hormones in women which act like male hormones.

Stopping the intake of birth control pills also result in acne in some women. This is so because, the estrogen present in these pills, along with progesterone is supplied to the body. Oil starts to be secreted from the sebaceous glands as soon as the pill intake is stopped, resulting in acne.

Treatment of Hormonal Acne

In the case of women, the possible methods of treatment of acne is manifold. Generally topical antimicrobials like benzoyl peroxide and antibiotics, topical retinoids, anti-androgen medication and oral antibiotics for sever inflammation are prescribed.

Oral contraceptive pills are also helpful, since they induce estrogen, which fight androgen secretion. As a result, estrogen circulation is induced and acne inflammations are cured.

For years I was an acne sufferer but I was fortunate because I found a solution that cleared my face up and eliminated all of my acne. You can have acne free skin now using the same solution!

Using acne free skin solutions your zits will disappear and your acne prone skin will clear up. Visit to learn how to eliminate your pimples today with many different acne treatments to include light therapy for acne

It seems to be a common theme among men of all ages to wonder how women show interest. Most men can never quite figure it out. So I'm going to take a shot at that question, as well as how to interest women (which is the more important part to master in my opinion).

I've noticed that a lot of guys tend to over complicate things when trying to figure out how women show interest.

"Well, she played with her hair, but she didn't touch her neck."

"She smiled at me but she didn't keep eye contact very long."

"Or, she laughed at my jokes but she didn't touch my arm."

"So what do you think? Is she interested in me?"

Dude, relax! The fact is, all of those things ARE signs that a woman is showing interest in you, but (and this is a big but) women only show those signs a tiny fraction of the time when they're interested in a man.

So, while all those signs are ways that women show interest in men, you've got to stop letting them dictate how you act around women.

Let's boil things down and say that if a woman even acknowledges your existence and pays attention to you at all, lets assume she's "interested".

Here's where the important part comes in...

You have to do the things that will create and increase her attraction towards you.

How do you interest women?

You need to do things that women can't help being attracted to. Things like having strong body language, portraying confidence, taking control, having strong values, and living an interesting life...

Because the fact is, women are uncontrollably attracted to these things. It's just the way they're programmed. That's why some guys (the guys who do these things) seem to get all the women they could every want...

They get it.

Would you like to be one of those guys that just "gets it"?

If so, it's your lucky day...

Because you have someone like me to point you in the right direction...

If you want to "get it", all you have to do is click here now.

Seriously, click here.

NASHVILLE, TN July 5, 2004 -- One look at the slew of recent reality shows, such as โ€œThe Swanโ€ and โ€œFor Love or Money,โ€ you can see that these ratings are clearly based on the outer beauty of women. Best-selling author Angela Thomas has made it her mission in life to show women that the real beauty a woman has to offer is within herself.

Thomas' 2003 runaway bestseller, Do You Think I'm Beautiful?: The Question Every Woman Asks, has held a spot on the CBA Women's Interests Bestseller List for eight consecutive months, which makes the book one of the top three best-sellers of all time. Thomas' follow-up, A Beautiful Offering, is already garnering the same respect and anticipation from the media and consumers alike (May 2004, Thomas Nelson Publishers).

Thomas has quickly become one of the nation's most recognized and sought after speakers to women across the country. Thomas can be heard on morning and afternoon drive radio shows nationwide where she reaches more than 700,000 people per week. Thomas tours the country as a guest speaker at a number of high-profile national conferences, including the Girls of Grace conferences (for appearance information, please see

A mother, friend, best-selling author, speaker, teacher, and believer in Christ, Thomas wrote her first book, now titled Prayers for the Mother to Be during her fourth pregnancy, and followed it with Prayers for New Mothers and Tender Mercy for a Mother's Soul. Thomas' skill in creating an instant connection with her audience draws women of all ages and life experiences to the many conferences and retreats at which she speaks.

Her goal is to inspire women to look inside themselves for their beauty and to strive each and every day to be the best mother, wife and self you can be. She knows of which she speaks, having walked through a very difficult time in her life. Being a single mother of four children, she can reflect on what gives her strength and relate to each and every woman that she touches.

To receive more information or schedule an interview, please contact Marika Flatt, PR by the Book, (512) 560-6787 or

Keds has been making canvas shoes for women since 1916. Their wealthy tradition of shoe making spawned shoes that we know today as sneakers. Not only do they offer foot wear that are stylish and comfortable, they also produce Keds women’s shoes that can be used for athletic activities and sports.

The shoes made by the company had a unique appeal to women that is why throughout the 20th century these sneakers have been a staple in the fashion world for women. Its appeal not only comes from its stylish look but also its ability to be worn by women with virtually any outfit. Also, the comfort it provides, allow women to use it more frequently.

Sneakers have proven to be the choice of many when a lot of walking needs to be done. It provides enough cushions for the feet to keep one’s foot from hitting the hard surface of the ground and hurting in the long run. Also, a closed sneaker keeps the feet from blistering due to friction.

There are a lot of different types of Keds women’s shoes. They differ not only in styles but also in use. From casual wear shoes to shoes for sports Keds has it. Its numerous styles and are categorized into thirteen types: Original champion, Green, Tracy Reese, Casual, Sport, Sandals, Wedge, Lace Up, High Top, Skimmer, Slip on, and the Mule.

This number of different styles allows women to choose which shoes would fit one’s style and look best. One could own different shoes for different styles and look mixing and matching it with one’s outfit.

Throughout the 1980s to the 1990s, Keds shoes were highly popular. Many television shows have characters that wore Keds sneakers as a part of the general outfit of their character. Many of these television characters were teens which were the sneaker industry’s largest market at the time.

During the late 1990s till about 2006, the popularity of Keds decreased dramatically. This was due mainly to tight competition with other companies at that time that has produced sneakers in a new style making the sneakers from Keds a bit out of style.

By Mid 2000s, the company made a move by putting out sneakers with new hip designs. This was able to raise the sales of the company. Since then, Keds have released a number of new promos that could tickle the interest of different persons. One of which is the design your own shoes promo where one could decide how one’s shoes would look like by deciding color schemes and the art that would be integrated into one’s sneakers. This gives one the chance to personalize one’s shoe. This could also be a great gift idea, as one could integrate the likes of the one being given the present into the design of the sneakers.

Another promo is the green line of Keds women’s shoes. This line of shoes allows one to help the environment as most of the materials used in making the sneakers are eco friendly. Some of the parts of the shoes are even made of recycled materials, so if one is an environment buff, then one would enjoy these kinds of shoes.

Are you looking for the best Keds women’s shoes at a very low price? Visit today and find anything and everything you are looking for!

The stereotype of women only being concerned with clothes, cooking, and gossip is in need of serious reevaluation. While a lot of women do enjoy these things there are plenty of other ladies out there who remain clueless to the latest fashion or 30 minute meal and are more concerned with how the Patriots are going to do this season.

Similarly, there are men out there who enjoy donning an apron and getting crazy with the spice rack in the kitchen, cooking up all kinds of concoctions while perhaps sporting a pair of Dolce and Gabana dress shoes. Both men and women push the gender lines placed around them, but instead of fighting or succumbing unwillingly to them they should blend those lines and incorporate one another into their world. Satellite TV can help bridge the gap between people in relationships and help them understand one another a little better, regardless of what their gender says their interests should be.

A woman married to a sports fanatic could simply dismiss his enthusiasm as mere "machismo" and go along her merry way leaving him to enjoy his testosterone, or she could try and spend a little time in his bubble. By spending a little time watching football with her husband a wife might come to see that his subscription to NFL Sunday Ticket was a really great investment and that football is not simply a meeting of large men just throwing themselves against one another.

Along this same train of thought, a man would be doing himself and his relationship a big favor if he took interest in what his other half was doing. If a woman really enjoys cooking and marvels at the skills of the chefs on The Food Network then her partner should take some time to sit with her and appreciate the culinary art taking place in front of them. Simply burping and telling her it was a great meal does not convey the same amount of respect or concern for the effort that went behind the meal's creation. Perhaps watching an intricate pasta sauce simmer in high definition will inspire a man to join his lovely counter part in the kitchen for some tag team cooking, adding some spice to their relationship.

These scenarios falls neatly within the confines of the gender lines, but the idea of showing interest in your partner's hobbies is good no matter the gender. If someone's girlfriend has an expansive knowledge of cars and religiously uses her satellite TV to watch "Monster Garage", sitting down with her and learning about the different components of a motorcycle's engine could add a little extra spark to the relationship as well as acquired knowledge they can share with one another.

When a man concentrates heavily on his style and the fashion world around him some just dismiss him as being effeminate without taking the time to appreciate why he possesses such interests. Moving beyond the restrictions of gender roles, his other half could share in his love of fashion by watching an episode of "Project Runway" and witnessing first hand the delicate and demanding work that goes into clothes production. Satellite television can act as a catalyst for bringing couples closer together and arriving at a better understanding of the other's interests in spite of what they are "supposed" to like.

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Impact of Education on Domestic Violence and Development of Women through Education





You can tell the condition of a nation by looking at the status of its women.

- Jawaharlal Nehru

"Literary education is of no value, if it is not able to build up a sound character."

- Mahatma Gandhi


            Education has been regarded as the most significant instrument for changing women's subjugated position in the society. It not only develops the personality and rationality of individuals, but qualifies them to fulfill certain economic, political and cultural functions and thereby improves their socio-economic status. One of the direct expectations from educational development in a society is the reduction in the inequality among individuals and that is why Education was included as the basic right of every human being in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The constitution of UNESCO also directs its efforts to achieve `The ideal of equality of educational opportunity without regard to race, sex or any distinction, economic or social'.

            Domestic Violence (sometimes referred to as domestic abuse or spousal abuse) occurs when a family member, partner or ex-partner attempts to physically or psychologically dominate another. Domestic violence often refers to violence between spouses, or spousal abuse but can also include cohabitants and non-married intimate partners. Domestic violence occurs in all cultures; people of all races, ethnicities, religions, sexes and classes can be perpetrators of domestic violence. Domestic violence is perpetrated by both men and women, occurring in both same-sex and opposite-sex relationships.  

What Is Domestic Violence?

            Domestic violence is controlling behaviour and includes all kinds of physical, sexual and emotional abuse within all kinds of intimate relationships. The perpetrators of domestic violence or abuse are usually men and the victims or survivors are usually women and children that they know. It includes:

• Punching and slapping

• Kicking and hair pulling

• Biting and pinching

• Pushing and shoving

• Being forced to have sex

• Being beaten or cut with other objects

• Disrespect, neglect and emotional blackmail

• Verbal abuse and swearing

• Being prevented from going out or seeing people – being isolated

• Lying, harassment and putting pressure on you through threats

            1:4 women experience domestic violence at some point in their lives and 1:10 will be experiencing domestic violence today


            Over 37 per cent married women in the country were victims of physical or sexual abuse by their husbands with Bihar topping the list. Women in Himachal Pradesh faced less violence at home compared to other states in the country. The latest National Family Health Survey-III found that 37.2 per cent women had experienced violence and cited lack of education as the key reason behind their woes. "Women with no education were much more likely than other women to have suffered spousal violence. However, spousal abuse also extends to women who have secondary or higher secondary level education, with 16 per cent reporting abuse," the survey said.

            The survey showed that countrywide more women face violence in rural areas (40.2) as compared to those in the urban areas (30.4).

            In Bihar, women in urban areas fared worse than those in rural areas. While 62.2 per cent underwent the trauma in urban areas, it was 58.5 per cent women in villages.

            It is followed by Rajasthan (46.3) Madhya Pradesh (45.8), Tripura (44.1), Manipur (43.9), Uttar Pradesh (42.4), Tamil Nadu (41.9), West Bengal (40.3) and Arunachal Pradesh (38.8).

            Among the metros, the fairer sex was better off in Delhi (16.3) and Mumbai (19.5) recorded relatively low percentage as compared to Chennai (40.6) and Kolkata (26.7).

            Nearly, 17 per cent women in Goa have experienced violence, with 17.2 women in rural areas at the receiving end as compared to 16.4 per cent women in urban areas.

            In Chhattisgarh, a total of 30 per cent women suffered at the hands of their husbands, while in Jharkhand, the figure was 37 per cent. About 40.8 per cent women in Jharkhand villages found the going tough as compared to 24.6 per cent in the urban areas.

            In the hill state of Uttarakhand, nearly 28 per cent women experienced violence, with those in villages (29.8) fared worse than their urban counterparts (22.8). After Himachal Pradesh, women fared relatively better in Jammu and Kashmir (12.6), Meghalaya (13.1), Nagaland (15.4), Sikkim (16.5) and Kerala (16.4).

Other states where women find themselves vulnerable are Assam (39.6), Arunachal Pradesh (38.8), Orissa (38.5), Maharashtra (30.7), Andhra Pradesh (35.2), Haryana (27.3), Gujarat (27.6) Punjab (25.4), Mizoram (22.5) and Karnataka (20).


·        One crime against women every three minutes

·        One rape every 29 minutes

·        One dowry death case every 77 minutes

·        One case of cruelty by husband and relatives every nine minutes

·        Once suicide every 240 minutes.

Source: National Crime Records Bureau       


           Children are the nation's assets. A happy child will make his/her home and the country happy. The future of any country depends upon the right upbringing of its children, for which a congenial environment and adequate opportunities for wholesome development are essential.

According to UNICEF's  "The State of the World's Children," report for 2006, one-third of the world's children lack adequate shelter, 31% lack basic sanitation and 21% have no access to clean, potable water.  Illness, malnutrition, and premature death are common when children lack the most basic protection.

            A government commissioned survey has found that more than 53 per cent of children in India are subjected to sexual abuse, but most don't report the assaults to anyone.

            The survey, released last April and which covered different forms of child abuse physical, sexual and emotional as well as female child neglect, found that two out of every three children have been physically abused.

            Parents and relatives, persons known to the child or in a position of trust and responsibility were mostly found to be the perpetrators of child sexual abuse in the country. According to the women and child development ministry-sponsored report, which assumes greater significance in the backdrop of the Nithari killings that brought into focus the issue of children's safety, those in the age group of 5-12 years reported higher levels of abuse.

            While releasing the survey, Women and Child Development Minister Renuka Chowdhury said, "Child abuse is shrouded in secrecy and there is a conspiracy of silence around the entire subject. The ministry is working on a new law for protection of children's rights by clearly specifying offences against children and stiffening punishments."

            The survey carried out across 13 states and with a sample size of 12,447, revealed that 53.22 per cent of children reported having faced one or more forms of sexual abuse, with Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Assam and Delhi reporting the highest percentage of such incidents. In 50 per cent of child abuse cases, the abusers were known to the child or were in a position of trust and responsibility and most children did not report the matter to anyone.

            The survey, sponsored by WCD ministry and carried out by the NGO Prayas in association with UNICEF and Save the Children, found that more than 50 per cent children were subjected to one or the other form of physical abuse and more boys than girls were abused physically. The first-ever survey on child abuse in the country disclosed that nearly 65 per cent of school children reported facing corporal punishment beatings by teachers mostly in government schools.

            Of children physically abused in families, in 88.6 per cent of the cases, it was the parents who were the perpetrators. More than 50 per cent had been sexually abused in ways that ranged from severe such as rape or fondling to milder forms of molestation that included forcible kissing.

            The study also interviewed 2,324 young adults between the ages of 18 and 24, almost half of whom reported being physically or sexually abused as children. When it comes to emotional abuse, every second child was subjected to emotional assault and in 83 per cent of the cases, parents were the abusers.

Children living with domestic violence may:


• Express behavioural problems.

• Be more likely to truant or have difficulties at school.

• Turn to alcohol or drugs.

• Self-harm or attempt suicide.

            According to the NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) of Children living with domestic violence:


Ø      100% are emotionally abused.

Ø      48% are psychologically abused.

Ø      26% are physically abused.

Ø      13% are accidentally injured.

Ø      7% are sexually abused.

Recent figures from the International Labour Organisation (ILO) show that:

v     Globally, 1 in 6 children work.

v     218 million children aged 5 - 17 are involved in child labour world wide.

v     126 million children work in hazardous conditions.

v     The highest numbers of child labourers are in the Asia/Pacific region, where there are 122 million working children.

v     The highest proportion of child labourers is in Sub Saharan Africa, where 26% of children (49 million) are involved in work.



        Education is the process of instruction aimed at the all round development of boys and girls. Education dispels ignorance. It is the only wealth that cannot be robbed. Learning includes the moral values and the improvement of character and the methods to increase the strength of mind.

            Once the first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru said, "you can tell the condition of a nation by looking at the status of its women". This is absolutely true. Woman of any nation is the mirror to its civilization. If women enjoy good status it shows that the society has reached a level of maturity and sense of responsibility while a decadent image conjures up if the opposite is true. The story of Indian women is as old as the history of Indian civilization.

            Kumud Sharma of the Centre for Women's Development Studies in New Delhi traced the correlation between education and domestic violence to patriarchal attitudes. "Educated women are aware of their rights," she said. "They are no longer willing to follow commands blindly. When they ask questions, it causes conflicts, which, in turn, leads to violence. In many Indian states, working women are asked to hand over their paycheck to the husband and have no control over their finances. So, if they stop doing so or start asserting their right, there is bound to be friction."

Female Literacy in India

            According to last census held in 2001, the percentage of female literacy in the country is 54.16%. The literacy rate in the country has increased from 18.33% in 1951 to 65.38% as per 2001 census. The female literacy rate has also increased from 8.86% in 1951 to 54.16%. It is noticed that the female literacy rate during the period 1991-2001 increased by 14.87% whereas male literacy rate rose by 11.72%. Hence the female literacy rate actually increased by 3.15% more compared to male literacy rate.




Ø      Andhra Pradesh

      Sri Padmavati University, Tirupati

Ø      Delhi

      Lady Shri Ram College for Women, Lajpat Nagar

Ø      Maharashtra

      SNDT Women's University, Mumbai

Ø      Rajasthan

      Banasthali Vidyapith, Banasthali

Ø      Tamil Nadu

      Stella Maris College, Chennai

      Women's Christian College, Chennai

      Madura College, Madurai        


            It is necessary to establish some more universities and colleges for women in India. Education is a solution for any type of problem in the society. Education gives strength, power and character. Education helps to improve economic position also in the society.

            The number of women job seekers has increased from 99.3 lacs in 1999 to 106.1 lacs in 2004. Thus the percentage of women job seekers to the total job-seekers has also increased from 24.6per cent in 1999 to 26.2per cent in 2004.

Table 1: Number of Women Job Seekers


Number of Women (in lacs)

Percentage to total



















      Number of Educated Women Job Seekers as on December 2004 was 7537.7 thousand. Educated Women at the end of 2004 accounted for 25.8per cent of the total educated job-seekers.

Table 2: Number of Educated Women Job Seekers


Number of Women

Percentage to total

















Vision of National Commission for Women


            Dr.( Miss. ) Girija Vyas took over as Chairperson of the National Commission for Women on 16th February, 2005.

            The Indian Women of Today Culturally rooted, Globally oriented Healthy, Educated, Self Reliant Secure in her Home and Safe Outside With Access to all the Rights of a Citizen With Opportunity to Contribute in all walks of life.




            The status of women in modern India is a sort of a paradox. If on one hand she is at the peak of ladder of success, on the other hand she is mutely suffering the violence afflicted on her by her own family members. As compared with past women in modern times have achieved a lot but in reality they have to still travel a long way. Their path is full of roadblocks. The women have left the secured domain of their home and are now in the battlefield of life, fully armored with their talent. They had proven themselves. But in India they are yet to get their dues. The sex ratio of India shows that the Indian society is still prejudiced against female. There are 933 females per thousand males in India according to the census of 2001, which is much below the world average of 990 females. There are many problems which women in India have to go through daily. These problems have become the part and parcel of life of Indian women and some of them have accepted them as their fate.


            Women had played an important role in the Modern World. Here are some of the most successful & first women of the world, who lead a Nation, a Party, a State, etc.

·        First woman President of Indian National Congress -- Annie Besant (1917)

·        First Indian woman President of Indian National Congress -- Sarojini Naidu (1925)

·        First woman Ambassador from India -- Vijay Lakshmi Pandit (to USSR from1947-49)

·        First woman Governor of an Indian State -- Sarojini Naidu (UP from 1947-48)

·        First woman Minister of an Indian State -- Vijay Lakshmi Pandit (UP)

·        First Mayor of Delhi -- Aruna Asif Ali (1958)

·        First woman Central Minister -- Rajkumari Amrit Kaur

·        First woman Film star to be a member of Rajya Sabha -- Nargis Dutt

·        First woman Chief Minister of an Indian State -- Sucheta Kriplani (UP from 1963-67)

·        First woman Prime Minister of India -- Indira Gandhi (1966-77 & 1980-84)

·        First woman Speaker of an Indian State -- Shano Devi

·        First woman winner of the Bharat Ratna -- Indira Ghandi (1971)

·        First woman Judge of the Supreme Court -- Justice M Fatima Bevi (1989)

·        First woman Chief Justice of a High Court -- Leila Seth (CJ of Himachal Pradesh 1991)

·        India's officially recognized billionth citizen -- Aastha (Born on May 11, 2000 at ND)


            Indian women have mastered anything and everything which a woman can dream of. But she still has to go a long way to achieve equal status in the minds of Indian men. The desire of Indian women can be best summed up in the following lines of 'Song of an African Women':

I have only one request.
I do not ask for money
Although I have need of it,
I do not ask for meat . . .
I have only one request,
And all I ask is
That you remove
The road block
From my path.

            Educate all the children in the family. Education is the most powerful instrument for the development of women and children in the society.8th March is observed as International Women's Day. It is necessary to celebrate International Women's Day every year in a grand manner. Our present president Pratibha Patil is also a woman. It is the power and credit of woman. It is also very important to celebrate Children's Day on November 14th and Mother's day.  


1.      National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. (2001). The National Reading Panel: Reports of the Subgroups.


2.      UNESCO Institute for Statistics: Literacy rates, youth (15-24) and adult (15+), by region and gender (September 2006 Assessment).


3.   Heilbroner, R. L. (1995) Visions of the future: the distant past, yesterday, today,      

     and tomorrow (New York: Oxford University Press).


4.   Child and Women Development Report, (2006), Ministry of Women and Child  

      Development, Government of India, New Delhi.


5.    National Family Health Survey, (2006), Government of India, New Delhi.


6.    National Crime Records Bureau, (2007), Government of India, New Delhi.


7.   Census of India, (2001), Government of India, New Delhi.






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